Sticky Business-Orb Factory Forest Friends

admineye hand coordination, fine motor, grasping, orb factory, preschool, school age, sticky mosaics, strengthening, visual motor Leave a Comment

Just a quick post for any of you looking for a cute Easter present for your preschooler or school age child, I have the perfect suggestion.  You know my love for the Orb Factory Sticky Mosaics since I raved about them in this blog post.  They are constantly coming up with new products and they just get better and better.  You can read about all the occupational therapy benefits there but had to share this adorable new set I discovered on my shopping trip yesterday.

The Forest Friends set is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen and would make the perfect addition to any Easter basket!  For my Brooklyn peeps, I know that Little Things on 7th Avenue in Park Slope carries this and a few other very cute sets.  I have already done this with one of the older children I work with and she loved it!  I have a feeling this set will be a constant in my therapy closet!

As always, I am just a click away if you want to ask any questions or need any other gift suggestions.  I love sharing ideas that I know will bring fun and happiness to your lives!

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